Yoga For Beginners

Yoga Understanding Volunteer Course

  • 1k+ Enrolled
  • Beginner
  • Last updated: 9 months ago
  • English/Hindi

General Description

Embark on a transformative journey with our One-Month Certificate Course in Yoga Understanding. Dive into the ancient practice of yoga, exploring its philosophy, postures, and mindfulness techniques. Led by experienced instructors, this comprehensive program offers a deep understanding of the mind-body connection and the art of relaxation. Earn a certificate in just one month, equipping yourself with valuable tools for personal wellness or pursuing a career in the holistic health industry. Embrace balance, flexibility, and inner peace through this immersive exploration of yoga.

Course Content


Philosophy and history of yoga: Explore the origins and evolution of yoga, including key figures and texts like the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Eight limbs of yoga: Understand the Ashtanga Yoga framework, covering Yama (ethical principles), Niyama (personal observances), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathwork), Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (enlightenment).

Benefits of yoga: Discuss the potential physical, mental, and emotional benefits of regular yoga practice.


Anatomy and physiology for yoga: Gain basic knowledge of the musculoskeletal system, breath mechanics, and nervous system as they relate to yoga postures and breathwork.

Asana practice: Learn fundamental beginner-friendly postures, focusing on proper alignment, safety, and modifications.

Pranayama practice: Introduce basic breathing techniques like diaphragmatic breathing and Nadi-Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), emphasizing proper technique and awareness.


Exploring different yoga styles: Introduce various yoga styles like Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, and Kundalini, highlighting their unique characteristics and benefits.

Meditation and mindfulness: Practice and learn different meditation techniques to cultivate focus, presence, and inner peace.

Yoga philosophy in daily life: Discuss how yogic principles like Ahimsa (non-violence) and Aparigraha (non-attachment) can be applied in everyday life.


Creating a home yoga practice: Develop a personalized yoga routine that fits your needs and schedule.

Nutrition and lifestyle for yoga: Explore the role of healthy eating and lifestyle choices in supporting your yoga practice.

Ethics and sustainability in yoga: Discuss the importance of ethical sourcing of yoga props and clothing, and responsible participation in the yoga community.

Additional Details

Guest lectures or workshops: Invite yoga teachers, therapists, or other experts to share their knowledge and experience.

Field trips: Visit yoga studios, meditation centers, or other relevant locations to enhance the learning experience.

Assessment: Include quizzes, written assignments, or practical demonstrations to evaluate students' understanding and progress.

This course includes

  • Skills Beginner
  • Language English
  • Starting Every Month
  • Certificate Yes
  • Placement Yes

The main objective of establishing the Takniki Shiksha Vidhaan Council is to organize “Yoga Education” and reach every person. To keep the body and mind healthy, yogasana, pranayama and meditation are very effective methods. It is easy and simple to do yoga for men, women, children, young and old, it leads to physical development, mental peace and spiritual progress.

Woking Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Sunday: Closed

Contact Info