Yoga for Diseases

Yoga for Thyroid Control Course

  • 1k+ Enrolled
  • Intermediate
  • Last updated: 8 months ago
  • English/Hindi

General Description

Achieve holistic well-being with our Yoga for Thyroid Control course, designed to incorporate specialized yoga practices and mindfulness techniques to support thyroid health. Join us on a transformative journey toward balance and vitality through the ancient wisdom of yoga.

Course Content


Week 1-2: Understanding Yoga and Relaxation Techniques

Day 1-3: Introduction to yoga, deep breathing exercises (Pranayama), and relaxation techniques.

Day 4-7: Gentle stretching poses (Sukhasana, Tadasana, Balasana) focusing on calming the mind.

Week 3-4: Energizing and Balancing

Day 8-14: Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) to boost energy and improve circulation.

Day 15-21: Incorporate more standing poses (Warrior series, Trikonasana) for strength and balance.

Day 22-30: Pranayama practice focusing on alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana) for balance and harmony.


Week 5-6: Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Day 31-45: Continue with Sun Salutations and standing poses, integrating longer relaxation sessions and guided meditation.

Day 46-60: Include shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) and fish pose (Matsyasana) to stimulate thyroid function and enhance neck flexibility.

Week 7-8: Deepening the Practice

Day 61-75: Incorporate more challenging poses like plow pose (Halasana) and camel pose (Ustrasana) for thyroid stimulation and overall flexibility.

Day 76-80: Practice inverted poses (headstands, handstands) under guidance to enhance circulation and thyroid function.

Phase 3: Stabilizing and Sustaining (Days 61-90)

Week 9-10: Advanced Practices

Day 81-85: Introduce more advanced breathing techniques (Kapalabhati, Bhastrika) to boost metabolism and improve thyroid function.

Day 86-90: Combine all learned asanas (poses), pranayama (breathing), and meditation into a balanced routine.

Week 11-12: Integration and Lifestyle Changes

Day 91-100: Encourage a daily practice routine. Emphasize the importance of a balanced diet, stress management, and adequate sleep for thyroid health.

Additional Details

Achieve balance and vitality with our Yoga for Thyroid Control course. Harness the therapeutic benefits of yoga to support thyroid health through targeted poses and mindful practices.

This course includes

  • Skills Intermediate
  • Language English
  • Starting Every Month
  • Certificate Yes
  • Placement Yes

The main objective of establishing the Takniki Shiksha Vidhaan Council is to organize “Yoga Education” and reach every person. To keep the body and mind healthy, yogasana, pranayama and meditation are very effective methods. It is easy and simple to do yoga for men, women, children, young and old, it leads to physical development, mental peace and spiritual progress.

Woking Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Sunday: Closed

Contact Info