Website Designing

Website Designing Basic Course

  • 1k+ Enrolled
  • Beginner
  • Last updated: 7 months ago
  • English/Hindi

General Description

Explore the art of web design in our comprehensive course, mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and functional websites. Dive into the world of responsive design and user experience, gaining the skills to bring your digital visions to life.

Course Content


  • Introduction to Web Development
    • Understanding the web development landscape
    • Different career paths in web development
  • HTML Fundamentals
    • Introduction to HTML syntax and structure
    • Basic HTML tags and elements
    • Building web page layouts with HTML
  • Introduction to CSS
    • Understanding CSS and its role in web design
    • Basic CSS selectors and properties
    • Styling HTML elements with CSS
    • Introduction to responsive design
  • Advanced HTML & CSS
    • Forms and user input in HTML
    • Working with images and multimedia in HTML
    • Advanced CSS layouts with flexbox and grid
    • CSS animations and transitions


  • Introduction to JavaScript
    • Understanding JavaScript as a scripting language
    • JavaScript syntax and data types
    • Basic JavaScript operations and functions
  • DOM Manipulation with JavaScript
    • Interacting with the web page elements (DOM)
    • Event handling and user interaction
    • JavaScript forms validation
  • Advanced JavaScript
    • JavaScript objects and arrays
    • Control flow statements and loops
    • Functions and function scope
  • JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
    • Introduction to popular libraries like jQuery and React
    • Building interactive web applications with JavaScript



  • Project Planning and Development
    • Choosing a project idea based on your interests and skills
    • Planning and outlining the project scope and features
    • Setting up development environment and tools
  • Project Development & Implementation
    • Applying HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to build the project
    • Integrating third-party APIs and functionalities
    • Testing and debugging the project for optimal performance
  • Project Deployment and Presentation
    • Deploying the project online for public access
    • Presenting the project and showcasing your skills
    • Reflecting on the learning experience and planning next steps

Additional Details

  • Build professional-looking and responsive websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Implement interactive features and functionalities on web pages.
  • Understand the fundamentals of web development best practices.
  • Confidently apply your skills to real-world projects.
  • Pursue a career as a web developer, front-end developer, or full-stack developer.

This course includes

  • Skills Beginner
  • Language English
  • Starting Every Month
  • Certificate Yes
  • Placement Yes

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Woking Hours

  • Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 – 18:00
  • Sunday: Closed

Contact Info